The interplay of ideas, institutional innovations and organisational structures: Insights from group farming in India
Working paper 116 Download pdf Bina Agarwal An innovative development programme requires ideas at multiple stages, from conception to implementation.
Rethinking elite commitment to social protection in Ghana: Insights from an adapted political settlements approach
Working paper 112 Download pdf Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai This paper explores the political economy drivers of Ghana’s flagship cash transfer programme,
On Labour Mobility, Economic Growth and Targeted Programmes
29 March 2018 Lant Pritchett For at least a couple of decades NGOs and others in developing
Taking ideas seriously within political settlements analysis
Working paper 95 Download pdf Tom Lavers Recent work on the politics of development and, in particular, the role of
Varieties of state-building in Africa: Elites, ideas and the politics of public sector reform
Working paper 89 Download pdf Pablo Yanguas Why do some states in Africa seem to be stuck in a spiral

Political settlements and the governance of extractive industry: A comparative analysis of the longue durée in Africa and Latin America
Working paper 81 Download pdf Anthony Bebbington with Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Marja Hinfelaar, Denise Humphreys Bebbington and Cynthia Sanborn This paper synthesises findings
LISTEN: Emerging messages and lingering questions from our research on Rwanda
We hosted a great workshop in London on 8 May 2017 with some members of the ESID network. Its purpose
Tim Williams' education in Rwanda research published in World Development
Congratulations to ESID researcher Tim Williams, whose paper, 'The political economy of primary education: Lessons from Rwanda', has been published
LISTEN: Stephen Kosack on state responses to mass political movements
Professor Stephen Kosack (Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington) joined us on 10 May 2017 to
The ideational turn in development politics
2 May 2017 Dr Pablo Yanguas As we near completion of Phase 1 research (and gear up for 2.5 years

The politics of negotiating gender equity in Bangladesh
Working paper 76 Download pdf Sohela Nazneen and Rezwan Masud In Bangladesh there is a paradox when it comes to securing
The politics of promoting social protection in Zambia
Working paper 75 Download pdf Kate Pruce and Sam Hickey The rise of the social protection agenda in Zambia over the
The political path to universal health coverage: Elite commitment to community-based health insurance in Rwanda
Working paper 72 Download pdf Benjamin Chemouni Rwanda is the country with the highest enrolment in health insurance in Sub-Saharan
EVENT: State-business relations in development seminar
ESID are linking up with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) for a one-day workshop at the National Council For Voluntary
LISTEN: Nic van de Walle at Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture
The audio of last week's annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture is now available online. Listen below to what was a great
WATCH: Nic van de Walle at Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture
The annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture took place yesterday, with a great lecture by Cornell University professor and leading expert
WATCH: Takeaways from Rockefeller Centre on what's exciting about the political settlement framework
Badru Bukeyna & Abdul Gafaru Abdulai nearly get run over by a robot lawnmower...And talk about their takeaways from ESID's
"Agaciro" the Kinyarwanda word for dignity. Ideas of self-reliance in Rwanda
20 November 2015 By Anna Webster At ESID we're interested in the role of ideas in shaping development. To understand
Where are we up to? Ten minutes with Merilee Grindle
16 November 2015 By Anna Webster Last week, a fantastic mix of researchers from around the world came together in
Breaking the rules, breaking the game: external ideas, politics and inclusive development in Honduras
Working paper 52 Download pdf Sarah Hunt Abstract The rise of the new Left has had an important impact on
Political analysis: sticking plaster or salvation?
29 April 2014 A conversation between Chris Jordan and Pablo Yanguas Pablo: The new ESID briefing on "Making political analysis

Investigating the political economy of social protection expansion in Africa: At the intersection of transnational ideas and domestic politics
Working paper 47 Download pdf Tom Lavers and Sam Hickey Abstract The growing literature on social protection in Africa has