How can civil society help improve learning outcomes?
Professor Brian Levy Following our first blog on the politics of learning reforms, this article focuses on how different stakeholders

The politics of learning reforms: how can governments be held to account?
In the first of two blogs, we outline the findings from ESID's research on the polities of learning reforms The
The politics of social protection in Nepal: State infrastructural power and implementation of the Scholarship Programme
Download pdf Working paper 167 Uma Pradhan, Deepak Thapa, Jeevan Baniya, Yangchen Gurung, Sanjay Mahato and Indrajit Roy This paper

WEBINAR – The politics of learning reforms: How can governments be held to account?
Developing countries have been more successful at widening access to education than raising learning outcomes, partly because it is harder
The politics of distributing social protection in Bangladesh: Insights from the Primary Education Stipends Project (Phase 3)
Download pdf Working paper 164 Naomi Hossain In 2016, a conditional cash transfer programme that had been assisting targeted poor
Gender equitable policy reforms in Bangladesh: The role of informal networks and practices
Working paper 154 Download pdf Maheen Sultan and Pragyna Mahpara This paper explores the way power operates in a gendered
Gender equitable change and the place of informal networks in Uganda’s legislative policy reforms
Working paper 134 Download pdf Josephine Ahikire and Amon A. Mwiine Uganda has had an uneven history and experience around

PODCAST – Duncan Green speaks to Naomi Hossain on The Politics of Education in Developing Countries
22 October 2019 Duncan Green recently caught up with the brilliant Naomi Hossain to discuss her latest ESID book, edited
Will South Asia achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Learning from the MDGs experience
Working paper 126 Download pdf M. Niaz Asadullah, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen This paper contributes to the debate on the Sustainable Development
Five ESID books are open access and free to download
26 June 2019 With the recent publication of two new books, The Politics of Education in Developing Countries and Negotiating

Can politics help explain persistently low education quality in Rwanda?
3 April 2019 Tim Williams Based on Dr William's research published in World Development, this post was originally featured as
Mohammed Awal
Role Mohammed Awal is a research analyst, and social accountability programming team lead at the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development
Understanding the politics of the learning crisis
7 March 2019 Expert on education and development, Professor Lant Pritchett, reflects on what he thinks are three highlights

NEW OPEN ACCESS BOOK – The Politics of Education in Developing Countries: From Schooling to Learning
7 March 2019 "This excellent, well researched and wide ranging series of case studies sheds light on a key issue
Professor Anne Mette Kjær
Role Anne Mette Kjær is a Professor at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark. She is currently coordinating

The politics and governance of basic education – drilling into the details
18 September 2018 Lead editor of new open access book on how politics influences learning outcomes in South Africa, Brian Levy

Decentralisation and teacher accountability: How the political settlement shapes governance in the education sector at sub-national levels in Ghana
Working paper 102 Download pdf Edward Ampratwum, Mohammed Awal and Franklin Oduro Despite a series of reforms designed to improve
Tim Williams wins 2018 Joyce Cain Award for outstanding scholarly article
2 April 2018 We are thrilled that ESID researcher Tim Williams’s paper on the politics of education policy in
Political settlements, women’s representation and gender equality: The 2008 gender-based violence law and gender parity in primary and secondary education in Rwanda
Working paper 94 Download pdf Jennie E. Burnet and Jeanne d’Arc Kanakuze This paper explores the ways in which power
Spotlight on an ESID expert – Vinothan Naidoo
20 December 2017 Vinothan Naidoo is a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Administration at the University of Cape Town. He

Ghana now has free senior high school education – but how do we ensure quality outcomes?
4 December 2017 Experts on the politics of education from Ghana's Centre for Democratic Development, Mohammed Awal and Franklin Oduro investigate the
A political settlement approach to gender empowerment: The case of the Domestic Violence Act and girls’ education policy in Ghana
Working paper 91 Download pdf Beatrix Allah-Mensah and Rhoda Osei-Afful Although rightly lauded as one of the strongest democracies in Africa,