State capacity building in Zambia amidst shifting political coalitions and ideologies
Download pdf Working paper 171 Caesar Cheelo and Marja Hinfelaar This paper summarises research on the ‘pocket of effectiveness’ (POE)
WEBINAR – The politics of building state capacity in Africa: What role for ‘pockets of effectiveness’?
Dr Marja Hinfelaar, SAIPAR Associate Professor Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, University of Ghana Dr Badru Bukenya, Makerere University Chair: Professor Sam Hickey,
Zambia Revenue Authority professional performance amidst structural constraints, 1994-2019
Working paper 158 Download pdf Caesar Cheelo and Marja Hinfelaar The objective of this paper is to understand the RRA’s

Zambia’s response to Covid-19 Part 3: Rising infections and falling confidence amidst increased authoritarianism
Our ESID Zambia experts reveal the latest developments in the political response to Covid-19 in Zambia In a provocative piece in
Bank of Zambia’s autonomy amidst political turnovers in Zambia
Working paper 153 Download pdf Caesar Cheelo and Marja Hinfelaar This working paper analyses the role of Zambia’s central bank,
What's the future of Zambia's political economy following the firing of the governor?
1 September 2020 Caesar Cheelo and Marja Hinfelaar reflect on Zambia's dramatic news. Zambia’s central bank, the Bank of Zambia

Zambia’s response to Covid-19 Part 2: 'We have to choose life or livelihood or both'
30 May 2020 Discover the latest on the response to Covid-19 in Zambia Any glimmer of hope that the Covid-19 crisis
Zambia’s response to Covid-19
28 April 2020 In our latest blog in our Covid-19 series, ESID experts discuss the political response in Zambia
Cities and dominance: Urban strategies for political settlement maintenance and change – Zambia case study
Working paper 136 Download pdf Marja Hinfelaar, Danielle Resnick and Sishuwa Sishuwa This paper tracks how the Patriotic Front (PF)
Open access book: Read an extract from The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa
21 November 2019 New, open access book on The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa has been edited by

PODCAST – Dr Kate Pruce with insights on her chapter in new social protection book
21 November 2019 We catch up with newly qualified Dr Kate Pruce for a unique insight into her chapter on
The challenge of sustaining a professional civil service amidst shifting political coalitions: The case of the Ministry of Finance in Zambia, 1991-2018
Pockets of Effectiveness Working Paper 6 Download pdf Marja Hinfelaar and Justine Sichone Zambia experienced a decade of strong economic
EVENT – Comparative workshop in Zambia: Pockets of Effectiveness
8 July 2019 Our researchers are in Zambia this week for workshops on pockets of effectiveness A major challenge for
The challenge of sustaining a professional civil service amidst shifting political coalitions: The case of the Ministry of Finance in Zambia, 1991-2018
Working paper 122 Download pdf Marja Hinfelaar and Justine Sichone Zambia experienced a decade of strong economic growth from 2004
LIVE STREAMED EVENT – Anthony Bebbington speaks at Oxfam America on Extractive Industries, Inclusion, Rights and Climate
Political Settlements and Extractive Industries: Implications for Inclusion, Rights and Climate When: Thursday, 4 April, 2019 12 - 2pm Where:

Drilling down into the drivers of extractive industry governance
Anthony Bebbington 4 July 2017 When a country discovers that it has valuable mineral deposits under its soil, some would say it

Political settlements and the governance of extractive industry: A comparative analysis of the longue durée in Africa and Latin America
Working paper 81 Download pdf Anthony Bebbington with Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Marja Hinfelaar, Denise Humphreys Bebbington and Cynthia Sanborn This paper synthesises findings
The politics of natural resource extraction in Zambia
Working paper 80 Download pdf Marja Hinfelaar and Jessica Achberger Moving beyond the mantra that ‘politics matters’, a range of
The social protection agenda within Zambia’s distributional regime
By Kate Pruce 8 February 2017 Although Zambia was reclassified by the World Bank as a middle-income country in 2011,
The politics of promoting social protection in Zambia
Working paper 75 Download pdf Kate Pruce and Sam Hickey The rise of the social protection agenda in Zambia over the
Corporate social responsibility and political settlements in the mining sector in Ghana, Zambia and Peru
Working paper 74 Download pdf Tomas Frederiksen This paper explores and compares the political effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Dr Tomas Frederiksen
Role Tomas Frederiksen is a lecturer in international development at the Global Development Institute (GDI), the University of Manchester. He is co-investigator