How can civil society help improve learning outcomes?
Professor Brian Levy Following our first blog on the politics of learning reforms, this article focuses on how different stakeholders
How women matter in making change
To mark International Women's Day, Professor Sohela Nazneen presents the key findings of ESID's work on women's empowerment. You need
Zambia’s response to Covid-19 Part 3: Rising infections and falling confidence amidst increased authoritarianism
Our ESID Zambia experts reveal the latest developments in the political response to Covid-19 in Zambia In a provocative piece in
What is political settlements analysis?
14 September 2020 ESID experts Tim Kelsall and Sam Hickey provide a clear and essential guide to political settlements analysis.
The impact of Covid-19 on oil and gas producers in developing countries
12 June 2020Farwa Sial The global oil industry is experiencing major shocks as the Covid-19 pandemic endures. The challenge to the
PODCAST: The politics of domestic violence policy – Sohela Nazneen talks to Prof Diane Elson
6 February 2020 Listen to ESID researcher, Sohela Nazneen, in conversation with economist and gender specialist, Professor Diane Elson, for
Acting together: Harnessing the power of the collective for reform
Sohela Nazneen 19 December 2019 This blog features Sohela's ESID work on gender and was originally published by The
The 'big stuck' in state capability and premature load bearing: Some new evidence
9 August 2019 Lant Pritchett This post was first published on Harvard's State Capacity Blog. In the book
Can politics help explain persistently low education quality in Rwanda?
3 April 2019 Tim Williams Based on Dr William's research published in World Development, this post was originally featured as
Bangladesh is booming, but slide towards authoritarianism could burst the bubble
25 March 2019 M Niaz Asadullah & Antonio Savoia This post was first published in The Conversation
Prof Sam Hickey on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast – How countries can avoid the resource curse
12 February 2018 Our Research Director, Professor Sam Hickey, is this week featured on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast. He talks
What are the limitations of working with the grain?
17/1/19 Brian Levy This post was first published on Brian's blog Working with the Grain When does
Global development post-2015: some reflections on convergence and what facilitates it
Antonio Savoia and David Hulme explore what we know and what we should ask next about developmental convergence.
WATCH – Benjamin Chemouni on pockets of effectiveness in Rwanda
7 August 2018 Watch our ESID researcher in Rwanda, Dr Benjamin Chemouni, on his new research into pockets of effectiveness
Viewing the territorial reach of the Ethiopian state through the lens of social protection
14 May 2018 Tom Lavers A drive of little more than an hour from the eastern edge of Tigray into Afar
Navigating the labyrinths of the 'deals' world
30 April 2018 Mirza Hassan and Selim Raihan What's responsible for the high and stable growth rate in Bangladesh?
Not an ordinary speech: A reflection on the first speech of the new Prime Minster of Ethiopia
23 April 2018 Amdissa Teshome An independent consultant and social science researcher, Amdissa Teshome reports from Addis Ababa with a
On Labour Mobility, Economic Growth and Targeted Programmes
29 March 2018 Lant Pritchett For at least a couple of decades NGOs and others in developing
Ghana now has free senior high school education – but how do we ensure quality outcomes?
4 December 2017 Experts on the politics of education from Ghana's Centre for Democratic Development, Mohammed Awal and Franklin Oduro investigate the
The reality of doing business in India
2 November 2017 Sabyasachi Kar is author of the insightful book The Political Economy of India's Growth Episodes with Kunal
Why have we seen so few developmental states?
Kunal Sen 5th October 2017 The underlying political settlement within countries too often provides political elites with insufficient
Deals and Development
7 August 2017 Professor Sabyasachi Kar is a key contributer to ESID's work on the politics of economic growth. He has just