Researching the politics of development


Political settlements in post-conflict states: David Craig's lessons from Cambodia and the Pacific

23 May 2014 By Kate Pruce. Current donor approaches to ‘successful transition’ in post-conflict states focus on institutional reforms, with

Cape Town post-mortem: 6 things I learned about ESID

6 May 2014. By Pablo Yanguas. I have been working as part of ESID for a little over 15 months

Cape Town Live Blog: Day Four – Poverty's voice

1 May 2014 [caption id="attachment_1929" align="alignleft" width="300"] Langrug residents explain how they achieved change for their community[/caption] One of the

Cape Town Live Blog: Day Three – What have we learned?

30 April 2014. By Rowena Harding. 35 researchers, some policy makers and media, three days, and at least eight hours

Cape Town Live Blog: Day Two – Should researchers do popular communications?

29 April 2014. By Rowena Harding. What skills does an academic researcher need to have? I’ve never been an academic researcher

Cape Town Live Blog: Day One – What's the deal with political settlements?

28 April 2014. By Pablo Yanguas. Getting academics to agree on something is like herding cats; but cats too can

ESID Mid-Term Workshop: Live blogging from Cape Town

27 April 2014. By Pablo Yanguas. Over 40 ESID researchers have converged on Cape Town in the last 24 hours.

Stanford workshop: Measuring State Quality

2 April 2014. By Kunal Sen. On 2-4 March 2014 the Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of

Deciphering the confusing new politics of international aid

12 March 2014. Earlier this year Thomas Carothers was a guest lecturer at ESID's "Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture". During his

New Delhi Workshop: Politics Shapes MGNREGA Implementation in India

5 March 2014. On January 22nd the India International Centre of New Delhi hosted a workshop presenting the findings of