Researching the politics of development


The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM): Lessons learnt

5 November 2014. By Sundar Burra. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), articulated in 2005-06 with a budget

Political settlements applied to urban development: 5 key questions

15 August 2014 By Kate Pruce and Pablo Yanguas. In July ESID hosted a small research workshop devoted to the

Ideas, interests and the politics of development change in India: capitalism, inclusion and the state

7 August 2014. ESID's latest working paper investigates how ideas and beliefs held by India's elites - political, bureaucratic, business

Upcoming event (India): Understanding success and failure of guaranteed employment schemes

Delhi, 3ie - International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, 21 July 2014. "Explaining success, understanding failure in the implementation of the

‘They don’t want to work’ versus ‘They don’t want to provide work’: Seeking explanations for the decline of MGNREGA in Rajasthan’

16 July 2014. ESID's latest working paper explores the reasons behind the sharp decline in MGNREGA implementation in the Indian

Regional integration in South Asia: New issue of SANEM Thinking Aloud

15 July 2014. The South Asia Network of Economic Modelling (SANEM) has just released the second issue of its monthly

Putting the spring back into the Indian economy

17 June 2014. By Sabyasachi Kar. (This post first appeared on The Hindu on 10 June 2014). Reviving growth and

Staff spotlight: Kunal Sen

5 June 2014. Kunal Sen is ESID’s Joint Research Director, along with Sam Hickey. Professor of Development Economics at the

‘Transformational politics’ in India? Whatever happened to social justice?

15 May 2014. By Indrajit Roy. Political pundits have described the just-concluded elections in India as ‘transformational’. However, none of

What have academics to offer to the challenge of equity, justice and inclusion?

13 May 2014. By Diana Mitlin. After three-and-a-half days of sitting in central Cape Town, what have I learnt about a

“It’s the economy, stupid”: How the poor economic performance of the UPA regime is a key issue in the Indian elections

8 May 2014. By Kunal Sen. (Originally posted on the Ballots & Bullets blog.) Along with corruption, a stagnant economy

New Delhi Workshop: Politics Shapes MGNREGA Implementation in India

5 March 2014. On January 22nd the India International Centre of New Delhi hosted a workshop presenting the findings of