Researching the politics of development

Dr Vinothan Naidoo
Dr Vinothan Naidoo is a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Administration at the University of Cape Town (SA).
Dr Naidoo’s research spans various topics related to South Africa’s public sector. This includes public sector reform, political-administrative relations, inter-governmental relations, and anti-corruption efforts. He has worked on an ESID project on the politics of basic education, and is currently working on the machinery of government change in South Africa.
ESID publications
Kota, Z., Hendricks, M. Matambo, E. and Naidoo, V. (2017). ‘The governance of basic education in the Eastern Cape‘, ESID Working Paper No. 83. Manchester.
Levy, B., Cameron, R., Hoadley, U. and Naidoo, V. (2016). ‘The politics and governance of basic education: A tale of two South African provinces‘, ESID Working Paper No. 67. Manchester.
Cameron, R. and Naido, V. (2016). ‘When a ‘ruling alliance’ and public sector governance meet: Managing for performance in South African basic education‘. ESID Working Paper No. 60. Manchester.
Other recent publications
Levy, B., Cameron, R., Hoadley, U. and Naidoo, V. (2018). The Politics and Governance of Basic Education: A Tale of Two South African Provinces. Oxford University Press.
Naidoo, V. and Mare, A. (2015). Implementing the National Development Plan? Lessons from co-ordinating grand economic policies in South Africa. Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 42(3): 407-427.
Naidoo, V. (2015). Changing conceptions of public ‘management’ and public sector reform in South Africa. International Public Management Review, 16(1): 23-42.
Naidoo, V. (2014). ‘Party-state relations in South Africa in a period of transition’. In Butler, A. (ed.) Remaking the ANC: Party Change in South Africa and the Global South. Auckland Park: Jacana.
Naidoo, V. (2013). ‘The politics of anti-corruption enforcement in South Africa‘. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 31(4): 523-542.
Naidoo, V. (2013). ‘The challenges of policy coordination at a programme level: why joining up is hard to do‘. Development Southern Africa, 30(3): 386-400.
Naidoo, V. (2013). ‘Cadre deployment versus merit? Reviewing politicization in the public service’. In Daniel, J., Pillay, D., Naidoo, P. and Southall, R. (eds.). New South African Review 3: The Second Phase – Tragedy or Farce? Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Further information
See Vinothan’s University of Cape Town staff profile.