Researching the politics of development


Working Paper: Pro-poor urban politics

9 June 2014. ESID's latest Working Paper explores "what we have learnt about how to instigate and embed pro-poor government

‘Transformational politics’ in India? Whatever happened to social justice?

15 May 2014. By Indrajit Roy. Political pundits have described the just-concluded elections in India as ‘transformational’. However, none of

What have academics to offer to the challenge of equity, justice and inclusion?

13 May 2014. By Diana Mitlin. After three-and-a-half days of sitting in central Cape Town, what have I learnt about a

Guest post: How "poor" economics informs the political culture of Bangladesh

26 March 2014. By Binayak Sen. Bangladesh's experience of the last two decades suggests that decent long-term economic development can