Researching the politics of development

EVENT – The ESID Annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture with Professor Catherine Boone
30th October 2019
ESID and the Global Development Institute are delighted to be welcoming Professor Catherine Boone, Professor of Comparative Politics at LSE, to deliver this year’s Annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture.
Catherine Boone’s research focuses on questions of comparative political economy, and especially on questions of institutional change and economic development. She is author of Property and Political Order: Land Rights and the Structure of Conflict in Africa. The book is a study of variation in patterns of land-related conflict in sub-national regions of East and West Africa and won APSA’s 2016 Luebbert Book Award for best book in Comparative Politics.
Professor Boone has also authored Political Topographies of the African State: Territorial Authority and Institutional Choice (CUP 2003), Merchant Capital and the Roots of State Power in Senegal (CUP 1993), and many articles. She convenes the MSc programme in Africa Development at the LSE. Her current research centres on questions of regional competition, market integration and land politics in African countries, with attention to regional tensions fuelled by economic inequalities and rising land conflict.
This talk will be the finale in this series marking the vital contribution to the politics of development made by the late Adrian Leftwich.
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